Friday 24 January 2014

Self-branding, commence!

Hello! Since I’m trying to make my way into the social media/communications/publishing industry, self-branding is SUPER important, so this is my newest challenge! I’m not new to social media, but I am brand-new to Blogger. 
I also had significant changes in my life in the past six months, so this is the perfect time to start documenting everything as the busiest time of my life begins.
In June, I transferred from my small home-town University to Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. I left a great job and my family, but brought my boyfriend along to pursue Communications and Publishing in the big city. Honestly, my home town is only 40 mins away.. but it was still a huge lifestyle change!
Now, I take transit to and from school and my new job at a large bookstore, I pay rent, I volunteer, and I get to attend super awesome events through a big university that SPOILS me compared to my old one. Now, I finally feel like I am starting on the path of a professional.
So one of the steps is getting my personal “brand” out there. I’ve heard a lot more about this since I started at SFU, and I am starting to work on this. It’s important for future jobs and career options, especially when it helps with networking. 
However, I also want my blog to be fun. So my interests and hobbies will be popping up on here as well. I read (a lot), I love alternative health, I ski, I love politics, and I have a new cat (J.T., the sci-fi author, not the singer). Expect all these and more, plus my experience at SFU with my courses, volunteer experience, and everything else that goes along with being a student in Vancouver.
I’d love to connect with you guys if we have similar experiences and stories! One of my goals with this is to make friends in the blogosphere. Comment or message me and I’ll definitely reply! :)

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